Update a Submitted Task

Thrive Health Support
Thrive Health Support
  • Updated
This article is intended for users who are associated with a doctor's office on the Thrive Health platform.

After clicking the Submit button and submitting your personal health information to your doctor’s office or medical clinic, no changes can be made without a direct request to the office.

Contact your doctor's office or clinic directly and inform the medical office staff about the changes you would like to make. The staff in the office will be able to send you an Update Request to make changes to the previously submitted questionnaire.

After receiving an update request, all your previous responses will be pre-filled and you will be able to update your desired information. Once you have updated your health history, make sure to click the Submit button on the last page of the questionnaire again to submit your updated information to the office.

Note: Please contact your doctor's office directly for any medical or appointment-related questions. The phone number of your doctor’s office is shown in the invite and reminder emails.